
Hair Disorders Treated by PRP

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is a treatment used alone and in conjunction with other treatment modalities for hair loss.  PRP may be used in androgenic alopecia (male pattern and female pattern), Alopecia areata, telogen effluvium, and scarring alopecias.

How PRP Works

PRP is beneficial as a treatment for hair loss due to the high concentrations of platelets in plasma cells that help promote hair growth by prolonging the growing phase of the hair cycle

Typically, the PRP is injected monthly for three months. Then, a typical maintenance schedule could be treatment sessions every three or six months. The exact PRP injection schedule will depend on how you are responding to therapy.

Benefits of PRP for Hair Loss

PRP offers many benefits for hair loss sufferers, including:

  • Safe
  • Non-surgical
  • No scarring
  • No downtime
  • Increases circulation to your hair follicles
  • Improves overall hair density
  • Thickens your hair shaft
  • Reduces excessive hair shedding
  • May alleviate inflammation

The NW Dermatology Institute is among a select few hair loss referral centers across America and is proud to offer cutting-edge treatments like PRP for hair disorders. To learn whether PRP treatment could be right for your hair loss, reach out to talk to the NW Dermatology Institute today.